Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Apocalypse Now (1979)

I was not too excited to watch this movie. First I knew it was another war movie. I had my dose of men dying after All Quiet. Second it came on 2 discs. I don't have the patience for 2 discs. I don't have the patience for 1 commercial.

Everyone I spoke to had already seen this movie. Even my roommate Rachel who owns 'Notting Hill' (bleh). What's wrong with me? I've never even heard of this movie.

I held onto the disc for 4 days wondering when I would be ready to make the commitment. On Saturday I started playing it but the opening credits with The Door's 'The End' was just way too obnoxious and hoakey for me so I had to stop. Monday I felt more ready. I fast forwarded through the opening credits and let this leg of my idiot's quest begin.

I recognized the leading actor to be Martin Sheen. He was pretty good looking in his hey day. It's those pretty green eyes!

I'm happy to say that I actually really enjoyed the first disc (Act I). Vietnam is a really scary place. Like a haunted mystical jungle of death. Add a war and you have officially entered Hell.

The journey into Cambodia where Colonel Kurtz is hiding is the story line for this Act (the movie parallels with Josephy Conrad's Heart of Darkness). It's really interesting to see Sheen try to pick at the brain of Colonel Kurtz and understand how this man eventually went insane.

I planned on going to bed on Monday around 10 but I got sucked into Act 1. I started Act II but I started losing interest when Sheen reaches a French plantation.

The next night I got back to Act II. I can immediately tell that this french hoe is going to seduce Sheen so I had to fast foward through most of those parts because it didn't seem important to the story. I guess director Francis had to get some boobs in there somehow. Yawn.

Sheen finally gets to Colonel Kurtz and I really was surprised by the messed up colony Kurtz had set up. The whole thing is just so freaking creepy. The best part is when Kurtz throws one of Sheen's crew member's head onto Sheen's lap. It's all very grotesque and sort of silly.

Other than that I didn't really find Act II all that interesting. I thought it was just way too out there. The characters from the beginning were more my cup of tea (they pretty much all die in Act II). Kurtz for me is unrealistic as a character but then again I've never spent time in a jungle so I really don't know what that situation can do to you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the "author" made a spelling mistake. I was saying:
    Best ever review of Apocalypse Now!

  3. A classic... sometimes there can never be enough napalm. Post soon, or hide out more, and whatever you're now in school for, BEST OF LUCK.
