Monday, March 29, 2010

All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)

Wow, okay so I can't really be cute with this one.

The movie does a superb job of taking the book and illustrating the horrors of war for this group of young Germans. I read the book in high school and remembered really liking it even though sadly I do know know many details about WWI. I regret taking World History courses by correspondence because I really have little knowledge on the subject (Alex's wisdom for kids: History is worth taking with a real live teacher!!)

I remember from reading the book that any character you became attached to would be killed in the next few pages. Same goes for the movie. It by no means paints a pretty picture of what war is like.

I think the hardest part of the movie is seeing these men realize what they've gotten themselves into. It's just heart breaking to watch the soldiers lose their minds, limbs, lives, etc. because they were convinced to fight in a war they really didn't know anything about.

Of the few Top 100 movies I've seen I will definitely reccommend this one to everyone. If you don't have a lot of knowledge about war and you want to catch a glimpse of just how truly awful it is definitely check this one out.

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