Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Half the battle is getting there...

I was so excited to watch the first of the Top 100 movies, The Adventures of Robin Hood (trumpets trumpetting). I rushed home, cooked dinner, and stuck in the DVD.

Okay let’s actually rewind back…

So I spent the past weekend seething at the TV because I couldn’t find which inputs the DVD and Cable are on (there are freaking 9 inputs…by the way I have no idea what input means…that’s just what the button says.)

I’ve figured out the sacred ‘input code’ in the past and then repeated the input name 3 times in my head, but it never stuck. I mean what is ‘Component 1’ or ‘AV2’ supposed to mean to me?? They should be named after famous Celebrities or something that I might remember. Tom Cruise for DVD, Bill Cosby for TV, etc.

After playing around with the controller I finally found the right inputs and in a moment of sheer genius/frenzied anger I wrote down the inputs I needed to know on a post-it and placed it by my TV. I had a system! I was making progress!

Back to the movie…

I turn on the TV and search for ‘AV2’ (that’s what was written on the post-it for DVD). It takes forever for the inputs to change and then I see that there is ‘No Signal.’ What the? I press play for DVD, nothing happens. I take out the disc, clean disc, insert disc, press play, nothing happens. I go through each input AGAIN and there is no DVD player to be found. Really? No, really?

I sometimes regret buying my DVD player at the dollar store down stairs, but it was really convenient and I feel like a total baller when I can roll up into the dollar store and buy whateva I wantt.

Well for now TV is out of the question. Rachel’s computer doesn’t have a DVD player...no I've never used her computer. My computer does but the only DVD that ever works on it is ‘Wedding Crashers.’ (No complaints there.)

I half-jokingly put the movie in my computer. Miraculously the DVD works! Thanks a lot Steve Jobs!

And so begins my adventure with Robin Hood…


  1. Do you realize that playing with all those wires is dangerous?

  2. You know who wouldn't have any of those problems? Pat.
