Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Desicion

Having run out of new How I Met Your Mother dvd's to add to my NetFlix queue, I thought to myself maybe I'll give a movie a shot. I don't know why, but for some reason I really do not like to watch new movies. I get ADD just thinking about sitting for 2 hours to watch a movie.

I've seen a lot A LOT of stupid movies. I think seeing 'Summer Catch'**in theatres made me start disliking movies. 'Just my luck'** made me cringe at the movie industry. 'Cheaper by the Dozen'** made me lose all hope in Hollywood.

There are good movies out there. My mom has talked about them. My mom is right about everything.

I make a decision. I'm going to find a list of the top 100 films, and I'm going to watch every film, and it's going to be awesome, and I'm going to write about the films, and in the process I will become a movie asshole because it's funny and completely obnoxious, and I love to hate completely pompous artsy fartsies.

First movie: The Adventures of Robin Hood

**Now that I think about it I saw all these movies with my roommate Rachel. Note to self: don't see movies with Rachel, unless Meryl Streep is in it.

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